While You Sleep
Looking at you sleep in the calm evening
I cannot but look back in humility
To the time of our very first meeting
When you were so young yet full of maturity
I took you under my wings and into my arms
I nurtured your youth and you kept me warm
You gave me hopes, you were my red rose
You brought jubilation, you gave life a purpose
We had good times, we had many memories
Of our days spent roaming in the woods
Of times we told each other our life stories
The heart breaks and the joy of childhood
As time passes, our love grows together
Two free spirits holding dear to each other
Our hearts much wiser, our steps bolder
And the good years did not make us older
When I feel the cool breeze of yesterday,
I see the fortunes that came our way
I know your hard work and your devotion
I am grateful, I am filled with elation.
Tonight I am with you and you are with me
Together we will overcome all enmity
Your love will not make my heart empty
I am all you need, you are all that I see
I would not have changed in any way
All that we have shared to this day
Anything we did I’d have done again
Over and over until life’s very end
I am thankful when I look at your tranquil face
I want to hold and keep you in my embrace
Hoping that if there really ever is a next life
You will return and be again my loving wife